Help Me Pick a 2015 Novel Project

I've got a lot of exciting plans for 2015. Some of them will mature in their own time, and I'll talk about them eventually, but today I'm here to talk about my biggest plan: to write a somewhat more substantial novel than anything I've managed yet. Most of my completed longer works have been NaNoWriMo stories, putting them in the 50-65k range when all was said and done. I have several story ideas that will clearly require a longer treatment.

The real trouble is picking which one to tackle, in fact. I've got so many characters who've been waiting so patiently for so long...

This is where you come in. Previously you rendered invaluable assistance in my zine-planning (you'll be seeing the fruits of that in the months to come, I might add). Now I'm covetous of the same kind of assistance in my project-picking. I've whittled my list of potential stories down to five choices. This is the easiest poll you can imagine. It consists of one question. You don't even have to pick just one story!

The one and only catch: This poll closes noon Eastern time on Wednesday, January 7. After that, I am making the final decision one way or another (even if it means drawing a name out of a hat).

Click Here to Vote!

Whichever story I choose to write, I will keep readers of this blog updated on my progress.